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Hey y’all!
I hope this message finds you well.
I want to begin this love note with a short poem:
“Growing up, I didn’t talk much; if at all. At some point, I learned to be ‘silent.’ To be ‘agreeable.’ To be ‘nice.’ At my own expense. But now, I got a whole lot to say..”
And I mean a WHOLE lot. As the release of my book, Lavender Heart Tea, approaches, I find myself feeling an array of emotions throughout any given day. Emotions ranging from relief, to anxiety, to nervousness; just to name a few. But one feeling I feel that outweighs all my other emotions is empowerment. Empowerment that I do not feel I have ever experienced before. I started writing Lavender Heart Tea June 2021 after my therapist, Danielle, challenged me to write a 15-page essay exploring the painful space my life was in. A challenge that unbeknownst to me at the start, would begin the unblocking and complete activation of my throat chakra.
What that Throat Chakra Due?
What that Throat Chakra Due? is an excerpt poem from my book, Lavender Heart Tea that explores my journey with opening and aligning my throat chakra i.e. speaking my truth.
Check out the poem below on my YouTube channel:
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What is the Throat Chakra?
Before diving fully into the throat chakra, allow me to explain chakras in general. There are seven main chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown; each positioned down the center of the body in their respected areas. Chakras essentially are balls of energy that facilitate the functioning of both our emotional and physical wellbeing; energetic forces that when are open and balanced, cultivate fulfillment for us both internally and externally. I realized the power in studying and understanding each chakra intimately and began exploring different strategies to assist me in healing the emotional trauma residing rent-free within each of my chakras.
When considering the throat chakra, it is the 5th main chakra located within the neck region. The throat chakra governs our ability to speak our truths through authentic communication and actively listen to those communicating with us. It also facilitates our own internal dialogue and well-being expressed through our mental, physical, and spiritual bodies.
What does it mean to have a blocked Throat Chakra?

Have you ever wanted to cry or speak your mind about something, but held onto it instead and as a result, felt a burn or strain in your throat?
That is a short-term block in the throat chakra. Of course at times, we must activate the necessary restraint depending upon the situation and circumstances, but overtime if we consistently block our throat chakra by not speaking our truth or refusing to actively listen to our internal and external environments, it will inevitably lead to long-term blocks in the throat chakra. These long-term blocks can cause you to consistently remain silent (vow of silence), although, you really have something you’d like to express. This ultimately will result in one existing within a false truth; silencing themselves time after time again hoping to never shake the table.
I believe that many of us that took the unknown vow of silence as children did so by way of conditioning; realizing our needs would only be met, even if only partially, only if we blurred into the background and did not cause any trouble. In my personal experience, it was often labeled as being the bigger person, but one person should not always have to be the bigger person. If you find yourself in situations, relationships, etc. in which you are regularly shamed and guilted into being the bigger person, your authenticity is more than likely being stifled. Those people and those surroundings ultimately do not have your best interest at heart.
Lavender Heart Tea is now available at, Amazon + Barnes & Noble
A Question for you..
As you continue on your journey to your most authentic being, pay attention to your throat chakra. Are you speaking up for yourself and/or the things you believe in? Are you verbalizing when someone does something that hurts or offends you? Are you actively listening to your loved ones’ vulnerabilities with openness and care?
Are you dismissing your truth in the hopes of maintaining a life-long relationship? Perhaps, you are biting through your tongue, swallowing your own blood in the hopes of not offending someone who has no issue offending you? Maybe you are coldly dismissing other’s point of view and perspectives because they do not fully align with what you consider to be the truth? Are you perhaps not firm enough in your own being to be open to the opinions and experiences of others without being offended?
Only you can answer these questions and reevaluate your relationship with your throat chakra.
Know that, there is no real prize in the burn of swallowing your truth to appease another. The prize lies in the lane of authenticity; the ability to be unapologetically who you are, while simultaneously, not berating and/or dismissing other’s experiences and perspectives.
Until next time.
1 With Love, 2Keesh
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